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Leo Cosendai (@leo.cosendai) is changing the way people interact with sound. His work in making gong baths accessible worldwide has gained him recognition as a leading figure in the wellness movement.. He has presented meditation through sound to over 1 million people with the help of his app Third Ear, as well as his TV appearances.

Leo’s early years were spent between Switzerland and Asia, where he was exposed to a culture which has discreetly shaped his path. Passionate about art, music, and therapy, he went on to study composition, singing, yoga+meditation around the world, and in London where he now resides with his wife Sara Cosendai.


-Travelling across Asia with family to see the Dalai Lama

-Experiencing panic attacks before discovering sound healing

-Healing practices for the nervous system

-How stress has evolved over the years

-The pros and cons of online gong baths

-How sound healing is not always a relaxing experience

-The science and benefits of sound healing

-Experiencing burn-out from pushing too hard

-Growing a global community


‘Discovering sound opened my mind to other things.’

‘I think it’s important to surround yourself with people who don’t agree with you and see the world differently.’

‘When you see the world through the lens of a child, you see opportunities and possibilities.’

‘I’m a slow learner but I never give up!’

‘I still get nervous because I care!’

‘Instead of managing my time, I manage my energy.’




-‘Surely You’re Joking, Mr Feynman!’, Richard Feynman (book) 

-Tim Ferris (author, podcaster)

-Third Ear (Leo’s app)

-‘7 Days of Sound Meditation’ (Leo’s book)

-Matthew Walker, Joe Rogan podcast

-‘Green Lights’, Matthew McConaughey (book)

10% off Liforme yoga mats with code THEHUSLERS (we get commission)

Code HonestlyUnbalanced30 get you 30% off a year package or any monthly rolling package forever on our online yoga and sound platform Home with the Huslers (thehuslers.com)


@adamhusler - Drawing from a variety of lives lived off the mat, Adam Husler brings a unique perspective to those who seek more from yoga than making pretty shapes. He offers creative, effective and clearly-sequenced teachings that focus on balancing flexibility and strength; physically and mentally. Educated by globally renown teachers, including Jason Crandell and Michael Stone, Adam specialises in a signature style of Alignment-Based Vinyasa— fuelled by a fascination with anatomy and a desire to ask ‘why?’. 

Based in London, Adam teaches a robust schedule in one of the worlds top yoga studios, Triyoga, and world leading gym, Equinox. On top of this, Adam leads workshops, trainings and teaches festivals continuously around the world, leaving him with thousands of teaching hours under his belt and plenty of appearances in national and international media.

For workshops, trainings, events and retreats, find out more here. 

@iamhollyhusler - From belting out original pop tunes at the London O2 stage to 20,000 people, whilst supporting Westlife, to singing healing mantras and playing magical instruments, to seas of sleeping yogis, at events and studios across the globe; Holly’s journey has led to a deep desire to help people find conscious connection and their own inner peace.

For workshops, music, events and retreats, find out more here.

The Huslers have launched a new online platform for yoga classes, sound journeys, meditations and more. Explore at thehuslers.com

Adam Husler