long Yoga Classes class filter system (length/type/teacher) currently in overhaul Over 45 min Yoga - Vinaysa Adam Husler 0 - 15 min, 15 - 30 min Yoga - Vinaysa Adam Husler, Other 30 - 45 min, Over 45 min Yoga - Masterclass, Yoga - Arm Balances, Yoga - Technique Tips, Yoga - Other, Other Adam Husler, Holly Husler, Other Flow 148, Long Yoga, Short Yoga flow 149 - back of legs flow Flow 148 - A balance challenge 8 angle twists alert feet All direction Shoulders Looping flow side body Revolved Triangle ontop of Chaturanga Flow 142 - Pigeons might fly Flow 141 - Camels and Wheels A different way to explore the shoulders Brick to handstands and core motions Repeated Movements, but no shape making Hip flexor route to crow pose leg squeezing and deep twisting splitting the legs and loading the hands to move towards hanstand side body and hamstring lengthening flying koundinyasana B foundations taking you pigeon to fly an alternative pathway to bakasana; crow pose 8 angle, adductors and twists mindful binds straddle to handstand progression hands and hamstrings deep seated side stretch progression intelligent steps to wild thing challenging the restricted upper body leg strengthening vs leg stretching leg rotation and inner leg strength increasing your twist up and over length lengthening the legs inner legs no pigeon inner leg opening and strengthening utthita hasta padangustasana loading the hands for handstands strap dancers pose back strengthening using a brick isolating 1 leg for 1 legged crow leg squeezing crow eight angle pose neck and upper back unlocking tilting to forearm balance hamstrings to handstands super stable shoulders bricks, shoulders and spine shoulder rolls and chest lifts passive and active leg range core balances and twists wake up and flow called revolved triangle folding deep in to the hips hamstrings to handstands strap dancers pose opening to wild thing wisley creating lift in backbends finding the inhale and side lengthening post Christmas all over flow wide folds to firefly deep legs and journey to pinch pigeon flight odd king pigeon camel and your neck side lengthening to wheel inner legs, twists and eight angle feet, hips and utthita hasta external rotation of the legs happy babies and lizard back of legs and handstands strengthening the back body hands, fingers and straddle handstands foundations for split handstand internal rotation deep side lengthening different take on pigeon opening hips outwards side plank exploring lifting from pigeon all over hips progression to koundinyasa b revolved triangle and koundinyasana A