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Adell Bridges (@adellbridges) is an international yoga teacher, health coach, and author who grew up in Mississippi, moved to the UK, and after a few years of wandering aimlessly through life, found yoga. She spent two years travelling as a nomad around the world teaching yoga, and continuing her training in various areas of mindfulness and movement. Adell is a self-proclaimed geek, and applies her degree in psychology with her training in the neurology of movement to her yoga and movement teachings. She now splits her time between London and Florida, and shares her love for the power of mindful movement to her online community.


-Finding yoga through Instagram challenges

-Social media as a tool for learning

-Discomfort around hands-on adjustments

-Staying humble with star-struck students

-The importance of being your own guru

-Feeling under-qualified after initial 200 hour training

-The physical and mental challenges of being a travelling yogi

-Viewing injuries as a gift to learn more about yourself

-Childhood meningitis affecting balance


‘There are multiple paths to the summit of the same mountain.’

‘Nobody can tell you more about yourself than you can.’

‘I still don’t know what I’m doing - I’m making it up as I go along!’

‘Injury is like heartbreak. It sucks. But see it as a gift and an opportunity to learn.’

‘Success is the inner calm that you find within yourself.’


Lost Connections - Johann Hari (book)

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10% off Liforme yoga mats with code THEHUSLERS (we get commission)


@adamhusler - Drawing from a variety of lives lived off the mat, Adam Husler brings a unique perspective to those who seek more from yoga than making pretty shapes. He offers creative, effective and clearly-sequenced teachings that focus on balancing flexibility and strength; physically and mentally. Educated by globally renown teachers, including Jason Crandell and Michael Stone, Adam specialises in a signature style of Alignment-Based Vinyasa— fuelled by a fascination with anatomy and a desire to ask ‘why?’. 

Based in London, Adam teaches a robust schedule in one of the worlds top yoga studios, Triyoga, and world leading gym, Equinox. On top of this, Adam leads workshops, trainings and teaches festivals continuously around the world, leaving him with thousands of teaching hours under his belt and plenty of appearances in national and international media.

For workshops, trainings, events and retreats, find out more here. 

@iamhollyhusler - From belting out original pop tunes at the London O2 stage to 20,000 people, whilst supporting Westlife, to singing healing mantras and playing magical instruments, to seas of sleeping yogis, at events and studios across the globe; Holly’s journey has led to a deep desire to help people find conscious connection and their own inner peace.

For workshops, music, events and retreats, find out more here.

Adam Husler